Ask yourself these questions before and not after

Mar 14, 2011 | Web Design Tips | 0 comments

  • Should you build a website yourself?
    It’s certainly cheaper in the short run. Can you afford to take a chance?
    Don’t sacrifice your brand image. Your website IS your company and we understand the importance of first impressions.
  • Do you have time to learn how to build an effective website?
    Wouldn’t you rather spend that time working on your business? We’ll do our job so you have more time to do yours. It’s not just pretty pictures nowadays. It’s serious business and we take your business seriously. Trust our years of experience.
  • Do you know what Google likes?
    We do! One small mistake and you’ll be wondering why you’re not getting any hits. Don’t take a chance on getting banned by Google. It’ not worth it. We use “white hat” SEO techniques, assuring you a long-term friendly relationship with Google.
  • Do you know how to sell on a website?
    It’s much different than traditional marketing. We know the secrets to successful designs that sell online. We use proven tactical placement of web page elements that increase conversion rates.
  • Have you heard, “If you build it they will come”?
    Maybe ten years ago. It’s not that simple anymore. A lot of thought and hard work goes into designing as well as making it function like you want. You deserve nothing less. A great deal of focus is spent on SEO for Google to help you gain “natural result” traffic. This takes time. An on-going relationship is encouraged so we can maximize your website potential in the long term.


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